Gift Vouchers & Experience Flights

Buy a gift voucher and book an exciting experience flight today for yourself or a friend and start your new life in the air – see ‘what to expect’ here. The time you spend with us on your air experience flight can go towards the total hours required for your licence.

Please read the Terms & Conditions at the foot of the page before you purchase your voucher.

Once you have made your purchase, a voucher will be posted/emailed to you so that, if it is a gift, you have something to present to your friend or loved-one. If you have not received it within a few days, or have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us here.

1 Hour Experience Flight – Fixed or Flexwing £159

1 Hour Experience Flight – split across Fixed wing and Flexwing £175

30 min Experience Flight: Fixed or Flexwing £99

2 Hour Experience Flight with away landing: Fixed or Flexwing  £318

Terms & Conditions

Vouchers are valid for 9 months from the date of purchase. After 9 months vouchers may be re validated for a further three months at a charge of 50% of the current voucher cost.

Only one person is eligible per voucher to take the experience flight, including a voucher that applies to the ‘split between two aircraft’ flight.

Being ‘microlight’ aircraft, there is a maximum ‘fully rigged’ passenger weight of 100 kg (15st 10lbs) – please do not take offence if we ask your weight, it’s an important safety issue.

Sometimes, the great British weather gets the better of us and it may not be possible to fly on the day you have booked. If that is the case, we will re-book your flight for another time. What we won’t do is fly you in conditions that would be unsettling for you or potentially dangerous. For that reason, we ask you to phone ahead before you leave home just to get the ‘all clear’. Please remember that the weather at height is not the same you are experiencing on the ground. Your instructor has the final say.